Monday, October 15, 2012

Maximizing Relationships

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Maximizing RelationshipsRelationships play a crucial role in every aspect of our daily lives.? Every personal and professional interaction provides a significant opportunity to develop, nurture, strengthen, and establish a quality relationship.? Whether in your family, business or work, personal of professional networking, or any other interpersonal interaction, your perceived value and level of commitment will determine the role each relationship plays in your life.

Are you looking to maximize your current relationships?? Do you want to be able to approach new and existing relationships with a fresh perspective and a positive attitude?? Do you want tools to empower you to strengthen your valued relationships or end toxic ones?

This mastermind will take you through a process of personal and professional evolution in which you will discover the importance of taking an active role in managing your relationships. In these high quality sessions you will participate in a coaching experience that will guide you through a processes of discovery while connecting you with like-minded individuals who will energize, educate, inspire and empower you.

In this monthly mastermind phone call, Bill Beard will teach and coach members on a wide variety of relationship related issues while providing ongoing support and accountability.? Bill will also be available for direct support between meetings via email, as well as taking an active role in facilitating relationship building networking within the mastermind membership.

If you are serious about taking all of your relationships to the next level, this mastermind experience is for you.? You can be the partner, friend, manager, co-worker, associate, or acquaintance that others look to as THE example to follow in creating their own amazing relationships.

Upcoming Schedule:

- Wednesday November 7th, 2012 @ 12pm EST

- Wednesday November 21th, 2012 @ 7pm EST

Don?t miss out, upgrade to Mastermind Level today!!!

Tags: bill beard, friendship, mastermind group, relationships, support


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Samsung smartphone ban reversed by appeals court

Kim Kyung-Hoon / Reuters

Apple's iPhone (L) and Samsung Galaxy Note are displayed at a shop in Tokyo in this August 31, 2012, file photo.

By Reuters


A U.S. appeals court overturned a preliminary injunction banning the sale of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd's Galaxy Nexus smartphone on Thursday, sending the case back to a California court for reconsideration.

Apple had filed a lawsuit in February accusing Samsung of infringing eight patents, and had asked a California court to ban the sale of smartphones it said infringed on its patents. The lower court agreed.

But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which had previously put a stay on the injunction, ruled that the district court in California "abused its discretion in entering an injunction."

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24 Passengers Join Jetblue ?Pilot Meltdown? - Personal Injury Law ...

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10/06/2012 // New York, NY, USA // New York Injury Accident Lawyer // Jonathan C. Reiter // (press release)

In an amended complaint filed on September 27 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, 24 additional plaintiffs joined a lawsuit over the ?pilot meltdown? episode aboard Jetblue Flight 191. In all, 34 passengers from the March 27th flight ? which had to make an emergency landing after the pilot in command began ranting and terrifying passengers and crew ? have joined the lawsuit, brought against the flight?s operator, JetBlue Airways Corporation, and the pilot, Clayton Osbon.

The passengers are represented by the Manhattan-based law firm of Jonathan C. Reiter, and Garden City, New York?s Barket, Marion, Epstein & Kearon. Each plaintiff is asking for $1 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages bringing the total damages claimed to $68 million.

The amended complaint alleges a frightening chain of events: a veteran airline captain running up and down the aisle yelling about Al-Quaeda, Iran and 9/11 and to ?say your prayers? and ?we?re all going down.? Osbon, the complaint alleges, had displayed disturbing behavior on the flight deck, telling the first officer that they would not make it to their destination. Plaintiffs were terrified, fearing they would be killed in a plane crash. Osbon was ultimately subdued by passengers some of whom were experienced in security. The flight, which had a planned route from New York?s John F. Kennedy Airport to Las Vegas, diverted to Amarillo, Texas where the passengers were detained on the airplane for questioning, adding to their anxiety.

In July, Osbon was found not guilty by reason of insanity of the criminal charge of interfering with a flight crew. The complaint in the current case alleges that psychotic episodes like Osbon?s are almost always preceded by behavioral, emotional, and mental changes that should have alerted Jetblue to Osbon?s impaired mental state.

Indeed, negligent supervision is one of the five causes of action the complaint alleges against Jetblue. Others include assault, reckless and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent infliction of mental distress. Jetblue is liable under these causes of action, because Osbon was acting in his capacity as a Jetblue employee at the time.

?The flight ended with an arrest but it could have ended in tragedy, says aviation accident attorney Jonathan Reiter. ?That makes it particularly important that there is investigation and accountability ? and that something like this never happens again.?

For more than 30 years, the Manhattan-based accident law firm of Jonathan C. Reiter has been among the country?s leading personal injury, medical malpractice, and aviation accident law firms. Our attorneys are dynamic, compassionate, and experienced trial lawyers with an impressive track record for winning just awards for clients in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. We are committed advocates for those who have been seriously injured or killed as a result of airline crashes, medical malpractice, defective products, construction accidents, mass disasters, and other types of negligence.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Internship Opportunity at a Residential Interior Design and Home ...

September 14, 2012

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Local officials fear final end of personal property tax | Capital News ...


Capital News Service

LANSING ? Local governments across northern Michigan would face more budget cuts because of a personal property tax proposal passed by the Senate and awaiting House action.

The proposal would exempt businesses from taxes on personal property like machines, desks and supplies.

Local governments rely on the personal property tax to finance public services.

Josh Reid, who chairs the Gladwin County Board of Commissioners, said he is not confident that the state will make up the loss if the proposal becomes law.

?We have zero confirmation there will be replacement revenue,? he said.

Dan Papineau, the legislative director for Sen. Jack Brandenburg, R-Harrison Township, said local governments should not be concerned about replacement revenue because if the state doesn?t replace the revenue, the personal property tax will be reinstated.

Mason County Administrator Fabian Knizacky said it would become a burden on the local government to keep the state accountable.

He said the change would result in a loss of more than $200,000 annually for the county.

However, Knizacky said the county is not starting any pre-emptive planning but is waiting until 2016 when the bill would be implemented to take steps to deal with the situation.

He said he hopes there will be a constitutional guarantee of replacement revenue from the state to affected localities.

Sen. Goeff Hansen, R-Hart, stressed the importance of replacing revenue.

?This is so important and is the lifeblood of our locals.?

If the money isn?t replaced, the tax will be reinstated Hansen said Hansen said he remembers paying the personal property tax when he was in the grocery business.

Hansen was one of 23 senators who voted for the bill and he predicted it will become law.

Knizacky is not the only one calling for a constitutional guarantee to ensure the state pays.

Deena Bosworth, legislative coordinator for Michigan Association of Counties, said, ?We are supportive of eliminating the personal property tax as long as the replacement revenue is guaranteed.?

However, Papineau said Brandenburg doesn?t support a constitutional amendment to guarantee replacement revenue but local governments should be reassured because the state has to pay.

Crawford County Administrator Paul Compo said he does not want local taxes raised to make up for any lost revenue.

?Our community is taxed enough,? Compos said. ?Nearly 80 percent of the budget is in personnel costs,? adding that he hopes layoffs would not be necessary.

If the House passes the personal property tax bill and Gov. Rick Snyder signs it, cities, villages, townships, schools districts and counties would feel the effects in 2016.


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Judge rules in favor of Legion in contested will

(AP) ? A U.S. judge has ruled in favor of the Legion of Christ in throwing out a lawsuit contesting the will of an elderly widow who gave more than $30 million to the disgraced Roman Catholic religious order.

But Judge Michael Silverstein of Rhode Island Superior Court found evidence that the woman, Gabrielle Mee, had been unduly persuaded to change her will and give the Legion her money, detailing the process by which the Legion slowly took over control of her finances as she became more deeply involved in the movement.

Pope Benedict XVI took over the Legion in 2010 after a Vatican investigation determined its founder, the late Rev. Marcial Maciel lived a double life: he sexually molested seminarians and fathered three children by two women. The pope ordered a wholesale reform of the order after finding serious problems with its very culture, and named a papal delegate to oversee it.

The Maciel scandal has been particularly damaging for the church given that the Mexican-born priest was held up by Pope John Paul II as a model for the faithful, admired for his perceived orthodoxy and ability to bring in money and attract new seminarians.

It was that high esteem that attracted Mee, a devout Roman Catholic, to the Legion in the first place, Silverstein wrote in his Sept. 7 order throwing out a lawsuit filed by Mee's niece contesting her will.

The niece, Mary Lou Dauray, had alleged that Mee was defrauded by the Legion and unduly influenced by its priests into giving away her fortune. Her late husband was a one-time director of Fleet National Bank.

Silverstein, however, ruled that Dauray had no standing. Dauray's attorney, Bernard Jackvony, said his client was considering an appeal.

Yet in his 39-page ruling, Silverstein took pains to cite evidence submitted by Dauray's attorneys to detail the process by which the Legion wooed Mee, bending the rules to let her become a "consecrated" member of its lay movement, giving her privileged access to Maciel and inviting her on special trips to Rome and Mexico.

He cited letters from the Legion thanking Mee for her money, emphasizing how her generosity was "pleasing both the Lord and assisting his mission" while also satisfying her late husband's wishes.

Such fundraising tactics have long been a hallmark of the Legion: critics have pointed to the process by which typically good-looking priests would shower wealthy patrons with praise, access and spiritual guidance while persuading them to donate their fortunes.

"The transfer of millions of dollars worth of assets ? through will, trust and gifts ? from a steadfastly spiritual elderly woman to her trusted but clandestinely dubious religious leaders raises a red flag to this court," Silverstein wrote.

Maciel himself, whom Mee considered a living saint, gave her financial advice, and another Legion priest helped her with her estate planning, Silverstein wrote. He detailed how Mee, after she became consecrated, created a Legion-appointed committee to determine distributions from her trust and eventually gave the Legion full control over her finances.

At the same time, the Legion withheld full information about Maciel's misdeeds, which first came to light in 1997 with a newspaper article alleging the sexual abuse, Silverstein wrote. By 2006, Legion leaders knew of Maciel's child.

The Legion claimed in court filings that Mee was informed of Maciel's double life, but Silverstein cited evidence disputing that and also noted that she cut off support to another religious movement as soon as she learned that one of its founders had had sexual relations with another man.

"Plaintiffs argue, and the court recognizes, that this could reasonably indicate how Mrs. Mee would have acted if she had known of the allegations (or the extent of the allegations) against Father Maciel," he wrote.

An email seeking comment Friday from the Legion was not immediately returned.

The Legion has been facing a serious slump in fundraising following the revelations of Maciel's double life. Properties have been sold off and schools have been closed as the Legion's once exponential growth has contracted, with dozens of priests leaving the order and fewer seminarians joining its ranks.


Follow Nicole Winfield at

Associated Press


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Friday, September 14, 2012

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Created By World Renowned Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Erase Bad Memories Is Designed To Help You Banish Bad Memories. This Is An Audio Program Consisting Of 4 Modules And A Self Hypnosis Session.

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    Oldboy (2003): Ready for Hypnosis

    The clip Ready for hypnosis from Oldboy (2003) with Min-sik Choi. Powered by: Anyclip. any moment from any film. This is the whole adventure I went through until now Thank you for listening to a terrible story till the end I hope that you understand the reason for sending a letter instead of talking to you in person The reason for that is that I have no tongue To be honest I have no reason to help you But you see? I was touched by this last sentence Even though I'm worse than even a beast Don't I have the right to live? The hypnosis could go wrong and distort your memories Will that be okay? If you're ready stare at that tree The tree is slowly changing
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    Oldboy (2003): Being Hypnotized in Snow

    Oldboy (2003): Being Hypnotized in Snow

    The clip being hypnotized in snow from Oldboy (2003) with Min-sik Choi I hope that you understand the reason for sending a letter instead of talking to you in person The reason for that is that I have no tongue To be honest I have no reason to help you But you see? I was touched by this last sentence Even though I'm worse than even a beast Don't I have the right to live? The hypnosis could go wrong and distort your memories Will that be okay? If you're ready stare at that tree The tree is slowly changing into a concrete column You're now in Woojin's penthouse It's a dreary night The sound of your footsteps to the window permeates the room
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    70. How OCD Works ? Faster EFT NLP

    70. How OCD Works ? Faster EFT NLP

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    46. The Secret to Real Changes is FASTER EFT NLP

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    13. Two Models of the World ? EFT NLP Insider Secrets

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  • Madison YMCA issues challenge for health, fitness, cash in eight-week program

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Great Dane from Michigan is world's tallest dog

In an undated photo provided by Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Zeus drinks from the kitchen faucet in Otsego, Mich. The Great Dane is now officially the world?s tallest canine according to the record book. The 3-year-old measures 44 inches from foot to shoulder. Standing on his hind legs, Zeus measures 7-foot-4. (AP Photo/Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Kevin Scott Ramos, HO)

In an undated photo provided by Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Zeus drinks from the kitchen faucet in Otsego, Mich. The Great Dane is now officially the world?s tallest canine according to the record book. The 3-year-old measures 44 inches from foot to shoulder. Standing on his hind legs, Zeus measures 7-foot-4. (AP Photo/Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Kevin Scott Ramos, HO)

In an undated photo provided by Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Kevin Doorlag stands with his dog Zeus in Otsego, Mich. The Great Dane is now officially the world?s tallest canine according to the record book. The 3-year-old measures 44 inches from foot to shoulder. Standing on his hind legs, Zeus measures 7-foot-4. (AP Photo/Guinness World Records 2013 Book, Kevin Scott Ramos, HO)

(AP) ? A Great Dane from Michigan is doggone tall.

The Guinness World Records 2013 book published Thursday recognizes Zeus of Otsego, Mich., as the world's Tallest Dog.

The 3-year-old measures 44 inches from foot to shoulder.

Standing on his hind legs, Zeus stretches to 7-foot-4 and towers over his owner, Denise Doorlag. Zeus is just an inch taller than the previous record-holder, Giant George.

Zeus weighs 155 pounds and eats a 30-pound bag of food every two weeks.

Doorlag says she had to get a van to be able to transport Zeus.

Associated Press


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Tips for Successful Forex Trading

If a person trades in the financial market confidently, by following all the tips carefully, then the person can very easily avoid disasters, losses and at the same time can also maximize the potential in the financial market. Here in this article below, we will be discussing some of the important tips of successful Forex trading.

The person who is ready to invest money in the Forex trading should very carefully study and then analyses his financial goals. The person to maximize his profits should, in a systematic and disciplined fashion define a time frame and also simultaneously works on the strategies for his trading career.

The trader should also make the correct choice of the account package which suits all his requirements and also is at par with the expected knowledge level. The brokers will bring a list of various types of accounts for you to choose from, but it is always advised by some of the experienced people in this field that one should always follow the general rule and stick with the lower leverage since; it is considered to be the best. Also if you are a beginner to the financial market then in this scenario, the best tip is to invest with small amounts and also with lower leverage.

It is not everybody?s cup of tea to actually master all the various kinds of financial activities that are going around in this entire world. Hence one should try to restrict the trading activity to a single currency pair which you think you understand the best and you are quiet familiar with it. The trader should always have a control over his emotions because the decisions taken at the time of greed, excitement, panic may not prove to be correct. Each and every person who is involved in this financial market should have a control over his emotions. Hence most of the expert?s states that a logical approach and a less emotional intensity are indeed the best trading tips which are required for a successful career ahead.

Forex trading is definitely not rocket science and hence you need not be a mathematical genius or have an excellent knowledge about economics to gain mastery over the currency trading. In fact the key to success in Forex trading is clarity of vision and well-defined goals, will ultimately take you to a great level in your career. But to make all your goals and to have a respectable career you must have a tendency to resist the temptation to either over- explain and over- analyze.

If you are new to Forex trading, you should always follow the trend of the market, and then only you can actually relax because you know that you have not taken any wrong decision. If you are patient and humble, you will definitely succeed. In order to maximize your hard-earned money and cut the risk of losing it, you should know the right skills of money management. If you have faith in yourself, you should never give up and keep trying till you meet success.

Roy has more than seven years of experience in Forex Trading and several years of experience in trading. He operates a website that shares his knowledge and provides information on Forex Trading.

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New envoy to Syria arrives in Damascus

U.N.-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi attends a meeting with Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Althani, both unseen, at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

U.N.-Arab League envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi attends a meeting with Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Althani, both unseen, at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

(AP) ? The new international envoy to Syria arrived in Damascus on Thursday for his first visit to the country since he took up the post in the midst of Syria's devastating civil war.

Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N.-Arab League envoy, was expected to meet Syrian President Bashar Assad on Friday. He also was to meet members of the Syrian opposition.

"We are confident that Mr. Brahimi understands the developments and the way to solve problems despite all the complications," Faisal Mekdad, deputy Syrian foreign minister, told reporters in Damascus. "We are optimistic and wish Brahimi luck."

Brahimi replaced Kofi Annan, who left the job in frustration in August after his efforts failed to stem a conflict that started in March 2011. Activists estimate some 23,000 people have been killed in the bloodshed.

Also Thursday, U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague said Assad's regime is "doomed" and should not be allowed to survive after the crimes it has committed against its people. He said a transition of power is the only way forward.

"That is the only way to avoid protracted civil war, or the collapse of the Syrian state, or an even greater flow of refugees and loss of life," Hague said at a joint news conference in Baghdad with his Iraqi counterpart, Hoshyar Zebari.


AP writer Sinan Salaheddin contributed to this report from Baghdad.

Associated Press


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Apple announces worldwide carriers for iPhone 5: Sprint, AT&T and Verizon will support LTE in the US (update: No AWS HSPA+ for T-Mobile)

Apple announces worldwide carriers Sprint, AT&T and Verizon will support LTE in the US

If you've got Apple's new LTE-capable iPhone 5, you're going to need some LTE markets. Fortunately, Apple had a huge, global list of carriers that are going to work with Apple's latest. In the US, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon will all support true 4G connectivity, while Canada's Rogers, Telus and Bell will also get the hook-up. In Europe, the newly established EE and Deutsch Telekom will gain LTE, while in Asia, KDDI, Softbank, KT, SK Telecom and SmartTone will all be provided for.

Update: Apple's detailed all the technical specs of its new radio in the US, but we're looking at what's arguably the first LTE world phone -- unless there's a second model to do the rounds in Asia and Europe. It's the first device to run on the LTE networks of all the major carriers, although unfortunately there no AWS (1700MHz) HSPA+ for T-Mobile customers. Take a look at the more coverage link to get knee-deep in frequencies -- there's plenty of HSPA to go around.

Check out our liveblog of Apple's event to get the latest news as it happens!

Continue reading Apple announces worldwide carriers for iPhone 5: Sprint, AT&T and Verizon will support LTE in the US (update: No AWS HSPA+ for T-Mobile)

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Apple announces worldwide carriers for iPhone 5: Sprint, AT&T and Verizon will support LTE in the US (update: No AWS HSPA+ for T-Mobile) originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 13:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Lenovo-made Vodafone Smart Tab II passes FCC testing, naturally

Lenovo-made Vodafone Smart Tab II passes FCC testing, naturally

Vodafone's 7-inch Smart Tab II made a surprise appearance at IFA last month with its 10-inch sibling also in tow, and now it's stopped off at the FCC to pick up its Visa for future trips to the US. The official documents for the chunky, carrier-branded slate aren't giving much away, except that it's got the expected mix of 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth. Most of the specs remain a mystery, but the FCC ID (O57A2107VDF3G) indicates it's Lenovo's IdeaTab A2107 in disguise, meaning it should have a 1GHz dual-core CPU running behind a 1,024 x 600 display. At IFA, the price tag on the 7-inch model was 190 Euros (approximately $245), but with only 4GB storage and no LTE, we expect some heavy, competitive subsidies from Voda when it lands.

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Lenovo-made Vodafone Smart Tab II passes FCC testing, naturally originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 10:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New iPod Shuffles Are Like Old iPod Shuffles [IPod Shuffle]

Apple brought a whole gang of new iPods to its event today in San Francisco, the third of which is a refreshed Shuffle. The new guy isn't all that different from its predecessor, save for five new colors. It costs $50 for 2GB. A boring non-update, unless you are a multi-colored gadget enthusiast. More »


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Demonic stories

Demonic stories

a story where you are a demon with the form of a human


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Pain drug can kill resistant tuberculosis: Low cost drug wipes out drug resistant TB, but may not reach patients in need

ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 2012) ? An off-patent anti-inflammatory drug that costs around two cents for a daily dose in developing countries has been found by researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College to kill both replicating and non-replicating drug resistant tuberculosis in the laboratory -- a feat few currently approved TB drugs can do, and resistance to those is spreading.

Their findings, published online by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, point to a potential new therapy for the more than 500,000 people worldwide whose TB has become resistant to standard drug treatments. But the researchers worry that the effective drug, oxyphenbutazone, may never be tested in TB clinical trials.

Weill Cornell's Dr. Carl Nathan and his research team found what they call the "completely surprising" ability of oxyphenbutazone to kill drug resistant TB after testing thousands of approved drugs against the bacteria. This repurposing of agents already on the market can lead to quicker testing for new uses.

"This agent might help save lives if there was a way to test it in TB patients," says Dr. Nathan. Oxyphenbutazone went on the market as a patented drug for arthritis-like pain in the early 1950s, and lost its patent and market dominance by the 1970s.

"It is difficult today to launch clinical studies on a medication that is so outdated in the United States, that it is mainly used here in veterinary medicine to ease pain," says the study's senior author, Dr. Nathan, chairman of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the R.A. Rees Pritchett Professor of Microbiology, and the director of The Abby and Howard Milstein Program in the Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease at Weill Cornell. "No drug firm will pay for clinical trials if they don't expect to make a profit on the agent. And that would be the case for an off-patent drug that people can buy over the counter for pain in most of the world."

He adds that oxyphenbutazone, best known under the trademark name of Tandearil, does have some established toxicities, "and is not a drug you should take for aches and pains if a safer alternative is available." But the drug's major toxicities appear to be less frequent than the major side-effects of the drug regimens that are currently used to treat TB, he says.

Treating the TB that Hides

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is unusual among disease-causing bacteria in that it naturally infects just humans. One-third of the world's population is infected with TB, but the bacteria typically remain dormant in a person with a healthy immune system.

Nonetheless, TB becomes active in enough people that it is the leading cause of death in humans from a bacterial infection. It is difficult to treat, and the bacteria can become resistant to therapy. TB treatment in a drug-sensitive patient takes six months, using a combination of agents. If the TB is sensitive to these first-line agents and the therapy is completed with full-strength, non-counterfeit drugs, up to 95 percent of patients can be cured.

However, if a patient's TB becomes resistant to these drugs, second-line agents are administered every day for two years or more. "These second-line drugs are often toxic and expensive, and are not readily available in developing countries, where most of the infections occur," Dr. Nathan says. Mortality in drug resistant TB patients can be as high as 80 percent.

A major issue in treating TB is that the bacteria can "hide out" in the body in a non-replicating form, even when a TB patient is undergoing treatment.

To find agents that could attack non-replicating TB, Dr. Nathan's research team first identified four conditions that keep bacteria in that state within the human body: low oxygen, mild acidity, a fat instead of sugar to eat and a small amount of the natural defense molecule nitric oxide.

The research team replicated those conditions in the test tube and then methodically tested the effectiveness of thousands of agents against the bacteria. After testing 5,600 drugs, researchers found oxyphenbutazone.

Researchers then delved into the mechanism by which oxyphenbutazone kills TB and found that the conditions that allow the bacterium to remain dormant modify the drug to the point that it starts reacting against both non-replicating and replicating TB. "When this happens, TB can't defend itself and dies," Dr. Nathan says.

But the researchers were unable to test oxyphenbutazone in mice, because the animals metabolize the drug to an inactive form far faster than humans.

"This makes testing the drug for TB use in humans problematic since the FDA requires preclinical animal testing studies for safety and efficacy," Dr. Nathan says. "Yet there is a long track record of oxyphenbutazone's relatively safe use in hundreds of thousands of people over decades."

Dr. Nathan and his team are continuing their research, testing hundreds of thousands of compounds for their action against TB. His team has already found another approved drug, nitazoxanide, to be effective against the bacteria, publishing his findings in 2009.

Nitazoxanide, a drug with an excellent safety record, is still on patent for use against some infections caused by other microbes. Discussions have been held about testing it in TB, Dr. Nathan says, but have stalled because of the same problem as oxyphenbutazone. The drug is metabolized so quickly in mice that it cannot be tested against experimental TB in that species.

For both oxyphenbutazone and nitazoxanide, Dr. Nathan argues that the requirement for testing in animals with experimental TB should be waived, because these agents work against TB in the test tube, have already been used with relative safety in people and might address an urgent need for treatment of a contagious disease with high mortality and few other treatment options.

This research was supported by the Tuberculosis Drug Accelerator Program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Abby and Howard P. Milstein Program in Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease.

Co-authors of the study include: Dr. Ben Gold, Dr. Maneesh Pingle, Julia Roberts, Dr. Mark Rundell, Dr. Thulasi Warrier, Dr. Aditya Venugopal, Dr. Crystal Darby, Xiuju Jiang, Dr. J. David Warren, Amy Cunningham-Bussel, Poonam Rath, Tamutenda Chidawanyika, Dr. Selin Somersan and Dr. W. Clay Bracken from Weill Cornell; Dr. Steven J. Brickner of S. J. Brickner Consulting; Dr. Ouathek Ouerfelli and Dr. Nilesh Shah from Memorial Sloan?Kettering Cancer Center; Dr. Eric L. Nuermberger from Johns Hopkins Hospital; and Dr. Joseph Fernandez, Ronald Realubit, Dr. J. Fraser Glickman, and Dr. Haiteng Deng from The Rockefeller University.

Weill Cornell Medical College
Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University's medical school located in New York City, is committed to excellence in research, teaching, patient care and the advancement of the art and science of medicine, locally, nationally and globally. Physicians and scientists of Weill Cornell Medical College are engaged in cutting-edge research from bench to bedside, aimed at unlocking mysteries of the human body in health and sickness and toward developing new treatments and prevention strategies. In its commitment to global health and education, Weill Cornell has a strong presence in places such as Qatar, Tanzania, Haiti, Brazil, Austria and Turkey. Through the historic Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, the Medical College is the first in the U.S. to offer its M.D. degree overseas. Weill Cornell is the birthplace of many medical advances -- including the development of the Pap test for cervical cancer, the synthesis of penicillin, the first successful embryo-biopsy pregnancy and birth in the U.S., the first clinical trial of gene therapy for Parkinson's disease, and most recently, the world's first successful use of deep brain stimulation to treat a minimally conscious brain-injured patient. Weill Cornell Medical College is affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, where its faculty provides comprehensive patient care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. The Medical College is also affiliated with the Methodist Hospital in Houston. For more information, visit

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Weill Cornell Medical College, via Newswise.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Forcing the molecular bond issue

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Material properties and interactions are largely determined by the binding and unbinding of their constituent molecules, but the standard model used to interpret data on the formation and rupturing of molecular bonds suffers from inconsistencies. A collaboration of researchers led by a scientist at the U.S Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed a first-of-its-kind model for providing a comprehensive description of the way in which molecular bonds form and rupture. This model enables researchers to predict the "binding free energy" of a given molecular system, which is key to predicting how that molecule will interact with other molecules.

"Molecular binding and unbinding events are much simpler than we have been led to believe from the standard model over the past decade," says Jim DeYoreo, a scientist with the Molecular Foundry, a DOE nanoscience center at Berkeley Lab who was one of the leaders of this research. "With our new model, we now have a clear means for measuring one of the most important parameters governing how materials and molecules bind together."

DeYoreo is one of the two corresponding authors of a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) that describes this research. The paper is titled "Interpreting the widespread nonlinear force spectra of intermolecular bonds." The other corresponding author of this paper is Raymond Friddle of DOE's Sandia National Laboratories. The third author is Aleksandr Noy, of DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

It takes energy to form or rupture the bonds between or within molecular systems and one of the principle experimental tools used by researchers to characterize inter- and intra-molecular bond energies is dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS). Under DFS, the bonds of a molecular system are subjected to controlled stretching or torsional force until the bonds break. The resulting data are arranged as a plot of the rupture force versus the loading rate to produce a force spectra, which has for the past decade been analyzed using the irreversible single-bond model.

"Under the irreversible single-bond model, force spectra are expected to form straight lines, at least for the irreversible rupture of a single inter-molecular bond over a single energy barrier," DeYoreo says. "Surprisingly, however, as more DFS data were collected on a variety of different molecular systems, a peculiar commonality began to emerge: Most showed nonlinear trends in the force spectra."

According to DeYoreo and his colleagues, the irreversible single-bond model makes the erroneous assumption that, under laboratory conditions, once a molecular bond is ruptured it is never restored. This leads to further erroneous assumptions that result in inaccurate predictions about the extent to which two molecules will bind. Such predictions are important across a broad range of fields to both understand interactions in natural systems and to design synthetic analogues.

"For example, we would like to be able to predict with reasonable certainty whether a proposed synthetic polymer can be used to outcompete an antibody for a biosensing assay, or whether a specific type of virus particles will adsorb to aerosol droplets," DeYoreo says.

The new model created by DeYoreo and his colleagues avoids the erroneous assumptions of the irreversible single-bond model to obtain predictions that are more compatible with experimental results. The model is unique in its ability to explain the rupturing of molecular bonds in terms of a single energy barrier rather than multiple-energy barriers. This yields critical information on the binding free energy of a molecular system.

"If one wants to understand the behavior of interfaces, whether between two molecules or between two materials, the most important number to know is the binding free energy," DeYoreo says. "This has been a difficult number to come by, but we've shown that with our model it can be easily extracted from DFS measurements."

The collaborators successfully tested their model using data from 10 different molecular systems. These tests showed that the model provides a comprehensive description of force spectra for a diverse suite of bonds over experimentally relevant loading rates. The model eliminates the inconsistencies of the irreversible single-bond model and provides ready access to both kinetic and thermodynamic information about molecular and material interactions.

"We're now using our methodology to determine how biomolecules associated with the formation of hard materials interact with the surfaces of such materials to direct their rates of growth and their architecture," DeYoreo says.


DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory:

Thanks to DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for this article.

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