Saturday, July 21, 2012

Insurance department expects increased complaints (AUDIO)

The state insurance department expects to field more complaints about insurance companies as more and more people are affected by the drought or issues related to it. The department has seen it happen with other natural disasters?an uptick in the number of complaints filed by consumers. Officials say it?s natural for people to file more claims during disaster periods and follow with more complaints when they and their insurance companies don?t agree.

Last year the department mediated complaints that produced $19-million more for consumers than insurance companies originally offered. More than one-fourth of that amount was linked to the Joplin tornado.,

The department?s director of consumer complaints, Matt Barton, says that people who are hurting understandably want to be made whole as soon as possible.

AUDIO: Matt Barton :22

Barton says damaged consumers face a lot of inconvenience, making the department?s role as a mediator more important. He says the department gathers information from the consumer and the company, and while the department has no authority to force a company to pay, it can determine if the company has operated in line with state regulations.


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Warner Bros. grapples with Colo. shooting

Police are pictured outside of a Century 16 movie theatre where as many as 14 people were killed and many injured at a shooting during the showing of a movie at the in Aurora, Colo., Friday, July 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)

Police are pictured outside of a Century 16 movie theatre where as many as 14 people were killed and many injured at a shooting during the showing of a movie at the in Aurora, Colo., Friday, July 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)

Police are pictured outside of a Century 16 movie theatre where as many as 14 people were killed and many injured at a shooting during the showing of a movie at the in Aurora, Colo., Friday, July 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)

(AP) ? The movie industry grappled Friday with the deadly Colorado shooting at a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises," as one of the most anticipated films in years became enmeshed with a horrifying tragedy.

The shooting, which killed 12 and left nearly 60 injured in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, reverberated through Hollywood and upended carefully laid plans for the global release of "The Dark Knight Rises." Warner Bros. quickly canceled a premiere planned for Paris and canceled press interviews in France.

"Warner Bros. and the filmmakers are deeply saddened to learn about this shocking incident," read a statement from Warner Bros. "We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to the victims, their loved ones and those affected by this tragedy."

New York City's police commissioner said he was told the gunman had painted his hair red and called himself the Joker ? Batman's nemesis ? but Aurora police would not confirm that.

The studio rushed to react to the tragedy. Dan Fellman, head of distribution for Warner Bros., said he had been up since 4 a.m. making calls.

"Everybody is very saddened by the event. We were obviously looking for a very happy occasion for us," Fellman said. "It's a difficult way to begin. We're just more concerned now with the well-being of those that were injured, of course."

The studio had no further comment on whether screenings might be canceled or precautions taken. Director Christopher Nolan issued a statement on behalf of the cast and crew of the film, expressing their "profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy."

"I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie," said Nolan. "I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me.

"Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families."

Warner Bros. did move to pull trailers for its upcoming movie "Gangster Squad" from showings of "The Dark Knight Rises." The trailer of the film, which stars Sean Penn and Ryan Gosling in a ruthless war between '40s Los Angeles police and the mob, includes a scene of mobsters firing into a movie theater from behind the screen.

A person familiar with what was shown at the Aurora theater said the trailer did not play there. The person did not want to be identified because the person was not authorized to speak on the matter.

Cinemark Holdings Inc., the chain that owns the theater where the shooting happened, said it was working closely with local law enforcement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and loved ones, our employees, and the Aurora community," the company said.

Movie theaters around the country continued Friday showings of the film as planned, though some were stepping up security and conducting bag searches. New York police commissioner Raymond Kelly said the city was providing extra security in New York theaters playing "The Dark Knight Rises" ''as a precaution against copycats and to raise the comfort levels among movie patrons."

In the wake of the shooting, "The Dark Knight Rises" and the earlier Batman films, with their dark themes and emphasis on terrorism, were sure to be heavily scrutinized. The practice of midnight screenings for eagerly anticipated blockbusters, too, could come into question.

Kelly said that the suspected gunman, James Holmes, had his hair painted red and identified himself to authorities saying he was the Joker. Heath Ledger played the Joker in the previous Batman installment, "The Dark Knight," although his hair was colored green. Ledger died in 2008 from a toxic combination of prescription drugs before the film was released.

"I don't know if James Holmes cared deeply about Batman," film critic Roger Ebert wrote in an op-ed for The New York Times. "I suspect he cared deeply about seeing himself on the news."

The National Association of Theatre Owners issued a statement offering their "hearts and prayers" to the victims. The association said, "Guest safety is, and will continue to be a priority for theater owners," adding that the group would work closely with law enforcement and review security procedures.

"We share the shock and sadness of everyone in the motion picture community at the news of this terrible event," said former Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America. "We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to the victims, their loved ones and all those affected by this tragedy."

"The Dark Knight Rises" had expectations of being one of the biggest weekend openings ever. Its midnight screenings earned $30.6 million, Warner Bros. said Friday. That's the second-best midnight opening ever, behind $43.5 million for the "Harry Potter" finale. "The Dark Knight" earned a then-record $158.4 million in its first three days, including $18.5 million from midnight screenings.

The PG-13 film played in 3,825 theaters domestically in the midnight screenings, expanding to 4,404 cinemas nationwide Friday. Many showings on the weekend were sold out in advance.

Paul Dergarabedian, an analyst for who specializes in box office, declined to speculate on an effect the tragedy might have on the film over the weekend, saying it was too soon to estimate. But some moviegoers were already rethinking their plans.

Christine Cooley, who works for the University of Florida at a campus facility near Tampa, Fla., said she and her 15-year-old daughter were stunned by the TV coverage of the shooting Friday morning.

"Her immediate reaction was 'I'm never going to the movie theater again. Why should I go somewhere where I'm looking over my shoulder worrying that someone is going to come in and harm us when I can wait six months and watch it in the safety of my own home?'"

Cooley said she tried to explain to her daughter that it was an isolated incident, "but I see where she's coming from. Why put yourself in harm's way?"

Others were undeterred.

"Just seem like another day at the movies," said Jimmie Baker, 40, of Harlem, N.Y., at a theater in Times Square.

Andrew Bross, 22, of Livingston, N.J., returned Friday to watch "The Dark Knight Rises" for the second time in 12 hours.

"I go to the movies every week," he said. "I'm going to keep going. I'm not going to let it stop me one bit."

Damon Lindelof, the co-creator of "Lost," said he was going to see the film Friday night and suggested a modest tribute: a minute of silence as the end credit roll.


AP Movie Writer David Germain and AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire contributed to this report from Los Angeles. Matt Moore in Philadelphia, Alex Katz in New York and Mitch Stacy in Columbus, Ohio, also contributed.

Associated Press


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Friday, July 20, 2012

Vietnam News ? The latest news on Vietnam ? The legend continues

Hollywood stuntman and internal film star Johnny Tri Nguyen spreads his adore for martial humanities like a breeze

Johnny Tri Nguyen (L) spends all day practicing in Ho Chi Minh City?s District 7. Photo: Lien Phong Training Center

It was not until Johnny Tri Nguyen non-stop a Lien Phong Training Center final Mar that his many Vietnamese fans began to know what always distant him from other martial humanities film stars.

Like Thai movement star Tony Jaa, whose Muay boran (precursor to Muay Thai) credentials distinguishes him from a kung fu and karate stars that tend to browbeat a film industry, a form of martial humanities used by Tri Nguyen also come directly from his homeland.

So while internal fans were wakeful that Tri Nguyen?s onscreen fighting character was clearly Vietnamese, few knew that his techniques came directly from his possess family tree.

Lien phong quyen (Wind tie fist) was founded by Tri Nguyen?s grandfather, Nguyen Chanh Minh, and combines a ultimate of several martial arts.

After spending 25 years in a US, where he became a successful Hollywood stuntman (Spiderman 2), Tri Nguyen returned to Vietnam in 2008 where he became famous as a lead actor in Vietnamese blockbusters like Dong Mau Anh Hung (The Rebel) and Bay Rong (Clash); and as a martial humanities executive for Thien Menh Anh Hung (Hero?s Destiny).

A immeasurable means contributing to a outrageous success of these films was that Vietnamese audiences were given a possibility to watch fantastic Vietnamese martial humanities that they had not seen on shade before ? Lien Phong in action.

After conquering a film universe together with his brother, remarkable executive Charlie Nguyen and his sister, writer Tawny Truc Nguyen, Tri Nguyen incited his courtesy to formulating a martial humanities training center. The dream came to delight progressing this year on his parent?s land located during Ho Chi Minh City?s Nha Be District.

Sharing knowledge

?Formerly, martial artists did not tend to disband their ability and knowledge. Time has altered that,? Tri Nguyen told Vietweek. ?There is zero to keep tip or censor when it has turn a renouned competition and earthy exercise. It is not about winning or losing though a probity and lifestyle of those who engage themselves in a art,? he explained.

Tri Nguyen pronounced that he non-stop a Lien Phong Training Center to lift on a tradition started by his grandfather and ?honor a forebears,? as good as yield a suitable plcae for training a martial humanities actors and stuntmen.

The dojo now has scarcely 50 students enrolled in a operation of opposite classes. As opposite to other martial humanities training centers in Vietnam, that explain a knowledge of one specific lineage, Lien Phong offers many, including Katori Shinto Ryu (one of a oldest working Japanese martial arts) with a certificated instructor; and a special march designed for those determined for careers as actors and stuntmen in a martial humanities film industry.

Tri Nguyen, who has used a innumerable of martial humanities for over 30 years, teaches a march himself and skeleton to yield a best students opportunities to seem vital internal film projects.

Courses during Lien Phong are affordable, from VND1 million (US$50) per month and a propagandize also offers giveaway courses for bad children who uncover promise.

At present, Tri Nguyen?s dojo is filled with a expel members of his arriving film, Chuoc toi (Atonement), an movement epic about a rapist who seeks to redeem his sins to win a adore of a pristine girl. The film will star Tri Nguyen and be destined by his hermit Charlie Nguyen.

Martial humanities as a phenomenon of nature

Tri Nguyen pronounced that a eco-friendly decorations of his training center, surrounded by bamboo, with a immeasurable veranda and wooden furniture, are desirous by his family?s martial humanities philosophy.

?Martial humanities do not go to any one individual, tradition or sect. It is a skill of inlet and those who adore it,? he said.

It was with that opinion that Tri Nguyen?s grandfather Nguyen Chanh Minh became a folk favourite in a Mekong Delta in a 1930s. Reverently famous as Nhan trang Ca Mau (the White Swallow of Ca Mau Province), Minh, dressed in a white ba ba (southern Vietnamese lax wise pajamas,) trafficked via southern Vietnam in hunt of martial humanities masters.

Although Minh did not intend to use his talent in travel fights, he mostly was forced to strengthen his tiny business from thugs and challengers, who sought to make a name for themselves by defeating a male who had turn famous as one of a many shining martial humanities masters of southern Vietnam.

According to legend, Minh became a folk favourite for regulating his skills in a insubordinate means opposite a French.

Minh?s eagerness to bond elements of several opposite martial humanities led to his origination of Lien Phong. He noticed a competing sects within a martial humanities area as ?winds,? all imagining from a same source. And like a wind, a adore for martial humanities spreads easily.

Tri Nguyen?s father, Nguyen Chanh Su, told Tuoi Tre journal in Apr that martial arts, as Minh taught him, is not about speed, though accurate timing, a approach a bear catches fish.

Tri Nguyen combined that Lien Phong focuses on discerning instincts and liquid movements. ?It also stresses a ability to evasion blows to strengthen a practitioner and nonstop fighting methods directed during strenuous opponents,? Tri Nguyen told a newspaper.

Like his grandfather, Tri Nguyen is now a master teacher, pity his 30 years of knowledge study a immeasurable array of martial humanities styles with his students.

He says he never gets wearied inside a family dojo. ?Martial humanities are fun and concede us to lapse to the simple nature, regardless of age.?

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iTunes in the Cloud movies find their way to Australia, Canada, the UK and 32 more countries

iTunes in the Cloud movies find their way to Australia, Canada, UK and 32 more countries

The advent of movie support in iTunes for the Cloud was a boon to Apple TV owners as well as any iTunes user with a tendency to hop between devices -- within the US, that is. Apple today swung the doors open and let Australia, Canada, the UK as well as 32 other countries and regions around the world get access to their movies whenever they're signed in through iTunes or an iOS device. Not every studio is on the same page, as many American viewers will know all too well: it's more likely that you'll get re-download rights for a major studio title such as Lockout than an indie production, for example. Even with that limit in mind, there's no doubt more than a few movie mavens glad to avoid shuffling and re-syncing that copy of Scott Pilgrim to watch it through to the end.

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iTunes in the Cloud movies find their way to Australia, Canada, the UK and 32 more countries originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 16:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Music Review: Alison Wedding - This Dance

When you've got a singer with a name like Alison Wedding, it's tough to avoid the inevitable cheap pun. When you've got a singer with the voice of Alison Wedding, nothing could be more shameful than to dismiss her talent with that kind of cheap shot. This is a singer-songwriter, an artist, and her album This Dance demands serious consideration.

First of all there is the question of exactly what cubby hole to squeeze her into. Critics need labels, but Wedding is the kind of talent that defies easy labeling. She is an accomplished jazz vocalist with an emotional authenticity and purity of tone that defines her performance. The elegance of her songwriting would be the envy of any of the bevy of aspiring singer-songwriters. Her lyrics are literate, her melodies sweet and tuneful. You listen to some of her songs and you think pop, you listen to others and you think world music. The one thing you ought to think is category be damned, no matter what you call it, this is great music.

"For Will," the album's haunting opener is a short elegy to the memory of her friend Will Poskitt. Its heartfelt intensity, reinforced by the moaning string arrangement, is an apt introduction to what is coming. "Carry On," where Wedding is joined by Lionel Loueke's guitar, changes the mood with an infectious melody that will embed itself in your ear. It introduces a Latin vibe that is picked up again in "Remain," which also features some fine solo work on tenor sax from Chris Potter. It is one hot piece of work. "My Friend Regret" takes her in another direction. Built on the personification of regret, it not only illustrates the singer's literary prowess, it (along with "Hey, Stranger," which follows) shows off her traditional jazz affinities.

"Anyone But You," a duet with Theo Bleckmann, is a sweet traditional love ballad. "Let Me Pretend" is a nicely literate breakup song that looks askance at the clich?s of love songs as attempts to avoid real emotion. "We'll Know" and "Up in Smoke" are almost art songs in their conception, their classical feel no doubt emphasized by their use of strings. Henry Hey's piano introduction on the latter is memorable for its simple elegance, although its ending seems to go off on another tack. Wedding's own piano work at the beginning of "Your Decision" takes a more dramatic approach. The album closes with the singer harmonizing with herself on a solo version of the title song.

Included in the large array of musicians participating on the various tracks are Michael League on electric bass and a variety of other instruments, Zach Brock and Maria Im on violin, Josh Henderson on viola, and J.Y. Lee on cello. Bill Laurance is on the Fender Rhodes on a couple of tracks and Cory Henry plays organ on "Let Me Pretend." Others credited on the album are Magda Gainnikou, Ross Pederson, Pete McCann, Keita Ogawa, and Ignacio Henandez.

All in all, This Dance is an album that needs to be heard, and Alison Wedding is one "wedding singer" (when push comes to shove, who can resist the cheap pun) worth your attention.

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Marissa Mayer - formerly the secret iPhone user at the top of Google?

Google executive Marissa Mayer

New Yahoo chief exec Marissa Mayer: was she the top iPhone user in the House of Android? Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

File under intriguing: Marissa Mayer may have had one of the most powerful positions at Google, the supplier of the Android operating system, and been in charge of its Local side (which of course would aim to use Google products such as Maps and location services).

But for herself, she was an iPhone user even while ruling the top of Google. There are plenty of pics of her holding an iPhone during presentations (such as this one from August 2007 - which of course predates Android).

More solid evidence comes from her Twitter feed. Analysing the method used to send tweets (via shows that while the vast majority were sent from a desktop/laptop browser, her next most common method of posting was via the iPhone Twitter client.

Marissa Mayer's tweets, by source Marissa Mayer's tweets, by source. Most came from a desktop - but a key few came from an iPhone

Further evidence? She was also a user (Tweetstats says) of Foursquare (that's cross-platform). And the key clue: Instagram - which was iPhone-only until early April. And here she is in March tweeting an Instagram pic:

Marissa Mayer tweeting via Instagram when it was only available on the iPhone

And that couldn't have been spouse Zack Bogue because, as we all know, he only dumped his BlackBerry for an iPhone earlier this week.

(Yes, there are pics of her with Android phones: here's one from October 2008 in which she's holding an Android G1. But pretty much all of the pics that come up on an image search show her with an iPhone.)

It's not as though Googlers have been unwilling to use Apple gear - many pictures show staffers with Apple laptops, particularly MacBook Airs (though they might be using those to run Windows, Linux or its near-relation ChromeOS). But phones? Googlers tend to use Androids, from what we see.

So does this hold any meaning? Clearly, Mayer is her own woman. And some are wondering already whether in her new role at the top of Yahoo she might seek to form an alliance with Apple against her former employer. Apple already uses Yahoo's weather - might it also look to apps, and could there be a linkup with a mobile Flickr (if she can energise the Yahoo developers to produce a world-beating version)? It's clear that Apple is distancing itself from Google (note the dropping of Google Maps from the upcoming iOS 6). Yahoo News is, as Dan Gillmor points out, still a huge source of news and attracts many readers.

Too fanciful? Making too much of the brand of phone someone uses? Could be. Then again, Yahoo needs all the friends it can get at the moment; the search alliance with Microsoft isn't helping too much, and more than anything it needs to find strength in mobile. If Apple is trying to shove Google off the iPhone, that might leave a gap of sorts. And Mayer is too smart not to have seen all the possibilities that opens up - especially if Apple's new Google-free maps offering isn't up to much. Keep watching her tweets...


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Monday, July 16, 2012

News and Society -Crime News Blog: Insecurity in Nigeria - What ...

Governments start with policy making. Using biblical examples for instance, we have records of several regimes including that of Moses, of Joshua of Saul, of David, of Solomon, and the many rulers of Israel. Similarly, in Nigeria we can look at Buhari, IBB, Sani Abacha, and the various segments of OBJ and typify each regime with labels that will stick. Therefore, if a government were to seriously determine to correct the situation, it has to formulate a policy Idiagbon style maybe, or IBB sell out of Structural Adjustment style; but determinately directed at restoring our peace and security to pre-civil levels.

By the way, this will mean that all vigilantes become irrelevant. All those barriers by which people imprison themselves at night will go down. It also means that someone going from Lagos to Kano will not fear to start at 8pm in order to drive on free highways and be in Kano the following morning to transact whatever business he had on his mind. The execution of the policy will then be monitored if formulated with measurable goals in mind. It sounds like a tall order but we have seen it done before. The neighboring Ghana where all middle class Nigerians have run is a close example of a working secure community that has transformed itself. We are the same West Africans.

The government can remove the psychology of money as the ultimate source of power in order to improve on general security. A determined campaign can change anything that people are committed to. I have lived in countries where the entry point salary of a policeman is just below that of university graduate entering the civil service. By the time that such a person spends a year or two in the service, there is no graduate that will have enough left to bribe him with an amount impressive enough for him to risk his job. It may sound extreme and laughable in our situation. However, until we have measurable yardsticks such as this as goals, we will continue to beat about the bush.

This suggestion has nothing to do with current wealth in the society; its funding may come from a redistribution of new revenues. Funds are then allocated to specific programs and agenda with targets and measures aimed monitoring the movement towards the target. If fraudulent are truly seized, they can be committed to job creating ventures like the establishment of a ethanol industry, or the take off of our green campaign similar to Petroleum Trust Fund ideals and similar projects before them.

John Omoluabi blogs on practical life issues at the Deception Battlefront, and is Director of APGO America, publishers of Islamic Jesus - a book that dissects the truths from the Koran concerning the true identity of Jesus Christ.

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