Monday, October 15, 2012

Maximizing Relationships

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Maximizing RelationshipsRelationships play a crucial role in every aspect of our daily lives.? Every personal and professional interaction provides a significant opportunity to develop, nurture, strengthen, and establish a quality relationship.? Whether in your family, business or work, personal of professional networking, or any other interpersonal interaction, your perceived value and level of commitment will determine the role each relationship plays in your life.

Are you looking to maximize your current relationships?? Do you want to be able to approach new and existing relationships with a fresh perspective and a positive attitude?? Do you want tools to empower you to strengthen your valued relationships or end toxic ones?

This mastermind will take you through a process of personal and professional evolution in which you will discover the importance of taking an active role in managing your relationships. In these high quality sessions you will participate in a coaching experience that will guide you through a processes of discovery while connecting you with like-minded individuals who will energize, educate, inspire and empower you.

In this monthly mastermind phone call, Bill Beard will teach and coach members on a wide variety of relationship related issues while providing ongoing support and accountability.? Bill will also be available for direct support between meetings via email, as well as taking an active role in facilitating relationship building networking within the mastermind membership.

If you are serious about taking all of your relationships to the next level, this mastermind experience is for you.? You can be the partner, friend, manager, co-worker, associate, or acquaintance that others look to as THE example to follow in creating their own amazing relationships.

Upcoming Schedule:

- Wednesday November 7th, 2012 @ 12pm EST

- Wednesday November 21th, 2012 @ 7pm EST

Don?t miss out, upgrade to Mastermind Level today!!!

Tags: bill beard, friendship, mastermind group, relationships, support


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Samsung smartphone ban reversed by appeals court

Kim Kyung-Hoon / Reuters

Apple's iPhone (L) and Samsung Galaxy Note are displayed at a shop in Tokyo in this August 31, 2012, file photo.

By Reuters


A U.S. appeals court overturned a preliminary injunction banning the sale of Samsung Electronics Co Ltd's Galaxy Nexus smartphone on Thursday, sending the case back to a California court for reconsideration.

Apple had filed a lawsuit in February accusing Samsung of infringing eight patents, and had asked a California court to ban the sale of smartphones it said infringed on its patents. The lower court agreed.

But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which had previously put a stay on the injunction, ruled that the district court in California "abused its discretion in entering an injunction."

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24 Passengers Join Jetblue ?Pilot Meltdown? - Personal Injury Law ...

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10/06/2012 // New York, NY, USA // New York Injury Accident Lawyer // Jonathan C. Reiter // (press release)

In an amended complaint filed on September 27 in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, 24 additional plaintiffs joined a lawsuit over the ?pilot meltdown? episode aboard Jetblue Flight 191. In all, 34 passengers from the March 27th flight ? which had to make an emergency landing after the pilot in command began ranting and terrifying passengers and crew ? have joined the lawsuit, brought against the flight?s operator, JetBlue Airways Corporation, and the pilot, Clayton Osbon.

The passengers are represented by the Manhattan-based law firm of Jonathan C. Reiter, and Garden City, New York?s Barket, Marion, Epstein & Kearon. Each plaintiff is asking for $1 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages bringing the total damages claimed to $68 million.

The amended complaint alleges a frightening chain of events: a veteran airline captain running up and down the aisle yelling about Al-Quaeda, Iran and 9/11 and to ?say your prayers? and ?we?re all going down.? Osbon, the complaint alleges, had displayed disturbing behavior on the flight deck, telling the first officer that they would not make it to their destination. Plaintiffs were terrified, fearing they would be killed in a plane crash. Osbon was ultimately subdued by passengers some of whom were experienced in security. The flight, which had a planned route from New York?s John F. Kennedy Airport to Las Vegas, diverted to Amarillo, Texas where the passengers were detained on the airplane for questioning, adding to their anxiety.

In July, Osbon was found not guilty by reason of insanity of the criminal charge of interfering with a flight crew. The complaint in the current case alleges that psychotic episodes like Osbon?s are almost always preceded by behavioral, emotional, and mental changes that should have alerted Jetblue to Osbon?s impaired mental state.

Indeed, negligent supervision is one of the five causes of action the complaint alleges against Jetblue. Others include assault, reckless and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent infliction of mental distress. Jetblue is liable under these causes of action, because Osbon was acting in his capacity as a Jetblue employee at the time.

?The flight ended with an arrest but it could have ended in tragedy, says aviation accident attorney Jonathan Reiter. ?That makes it particularly important that there is investigation and accountability ? and that something like this never happens again.?

For more than 30 years, the Manhattan-based accident law firm of Jonathan C. Reiter has been among the country?s leading personal injury, medical malpractice, and aviation accident law firms. Our attorneys are dynamic, compassionate, and experienced trial lawyers with an impressive track record for winning just awards for clients in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases. We are committed advocates for those who have been seriously injured or killed as a result of airline crashes, medical malpractice, defective products, construction accidents, mass disasters, and other types of negligence.

Media Information:

Phone: 212-736-0979
Url: New York Injury Accident Lawyer News Source: - Press Release Distribution

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