Thursday, May 24, 2012

Girls Write Out: Friendship

This week, we received a very kind letter on Smitten and how it reminded one reader to invest more in her friend relationships. ?I think that's a lesson everyone needs here and again. ?Friendships take work at first. ?When Colleen and I met, our connection online was instant, but we edited back and forth for each other for years. ?We invested in each other. ?We made a commitment that YOUR publishing is as important as MY publishing.

As I got more kids, I became less reliable. ? (We met when I had two -- now I have four and my youngest is 11.) ?Colleen got busier publishing a bajillion books a year. ?LOL ?But the friendship stands because of its solid foundation in God. ?I know her heart. ?She knows mine. ?Even though we are totally different animals.?I used to say Colleen is a Golden Retriever and I am a Siamese Cat (and I don't even LIKE cats, so that tells you something!)

The investment and foundation of friendship is so important. ?A relationship is a living, breathing thing. It takes time, commitment and love.

Friends always seem to have something in them that you don't possess and you honor this part of them. ?For me, in Colleen it's her endurance and her ability to go on when I would have long since given up. ?

?In Denise, it's her organization and the way her mind works. ?It's so linear and beautiful and I wish for one day I could run my life like she runs hers. ?She'd be a Beagle.

With Diann, it's her strength of character. ?There are so many days I want to wimp out and give up on success. ?Then, I look to Diann who is always happy even when she's complaining about chemo, she's funny. ?If she were an animal, she'd be a Labradoodle.

In Cheryl, it's her compassion. ?She has so much compassion on those who are in dire straights. ?She has walked some tough roads and because of it, she can empathize and help people through really dark times. ?She'd be a St. Bernard in a rescue.

So what do your friends possess in spades that you'd like more of in yourself? ?What have you dont to invest in your relationships lately?

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